Cypress Wooden Rice Mixing Tub (Hangiri) - 39cm

SKU: TK-602-01-39
Size: 15.4”Dia.(39cm) x 4”H - 10 rice cups (7.2 US cups)
Sku: TK-602-01-39
SKU: TK-602-01-39
Size: 15.4”Dia.(39cm) x 4”H - 10 rice cups (7.2 US cups)
Sku: TK-602-01-39
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Purpose of Hangiri
An indispensable tool to proper sushi making. The beautiful and traditional cypress wooden rice mixing tub (hangiri) absorbs excess water, allowing your rice to reach the perfect consistency every time. In response to our customer's requests, we are delighted to offer a wooden hangiri to US customers. Our hangiri is crafted out of high quality Japanese cypress (sawara), a material prized in Japan for its durability and aesthetics. Sawara wood is extremely resistant to mold, rot, insect inspection and very resilient to wrapping if properly taken care of. It also naturally comes with it's own, natural, preserving oil.
To counter the change in humidity the US and Japan, we recommend that you use your hangiri regularly to prevent shrinking or cracking. Our hangiri features a reinforced bamboo and copper ring for maximum durability. Available in six sizes for your convenience, the two smallest hangiri (39cm and 45cm) are designed for home use and therefore do not require the bamboo reinforcement ring.

Why wood over metal and plastic tubs?
Although plastic and metal bowls are also able to absorb heat, wooden tubs are able to absorb excess moisture in a addition to evenly absorbing heat.

Origin of Hangiri
Kisho Japan is the only home to natural forests containing wild hinoki trees over 300 years old. Filled with that fresh and characteristically uplifting scent, these magnificent stands of towering trees are a symbol of Japan’s long cultural association with wood. Hangiris are crafted out of sawara cypress by Shimizu Mokuzai, a workshop nestled deep in the Kiso hills. Sawara, a family member of Hinoki is considered to be one of Kiso's five major kinds of trees. Sawara, is the perfect wood for crafting Hanagiri. It lends a much milder scent to the rice, and those who prefer no fragrance at all can easily remove it by soaking the tub in diluted vinegar for two to three hours, then rinsing it with water.

Click the link below for to read more about the Hangiri woodworking tradition,
Demand for its hangiri rice tubs is so high that the company cannot keep up with the orders. On any given day some workers will be cutting logs into planks, some matching parts for color and grain, and still others planing each product's surface to a smooth finish. Though a good deal of the process is mechanized, much of the work demands skilled hands."Each piece of the material is different from the next, and that's where a woodworker's skills are needed," …
[read more]

Country of Origin:  Japan


Dishwasher Safe
Microwave Safe
Oven Safe
Stove Top Safe
Induction Stove Top Safe


39cm (15.3")10 rice cups (7.2 US cups)
45cm (17.1")20 rice cups (15 US cups)
54cm (21.25")30 rice cups (22.5 US cups)
60cm (23.6")40 rice cups (30 US cups)
66cm (26")50 rice cups (38 US cups)
72cm (28.3")60 rice cups (45 US cups)

* The 39cm and 45cm hangiri bowls are for home use. They have nails bolted to the copper band, but do not have a bamboo ring re-enforcing the bottom.

1. Lightly wipe the hangiri with a wet towel before using. This will avoid the smell of the ingredients to be absorbed by the wooden product, and will help prevent molding.

2. After every use, quickly rinse with hot water and allow to air dry completely. Do not use a drier or leave water in the product for long as this will lead to damaging the wooden material. Once it is rinsed, allow the product to air dry and do not use a drier.

3. Once the hangiri is dry, wrap it in absorbent paper and store in a well ventilated area away from direct sunlight.

4. If you are not using the product for an extended period of time, beware of shrinkage from being stored in a dry space. Shrinkage may cause cracking and the copper band to fall. In the event the product shrinks, fill it with water for the wood to expand and prevent water leakage from the cracks.
